How to Unblock a Dishwasher


If you’ve noticed water lying in your dishwasher or a bad smell, this can be a sign of a blockage in your dishwasher or further down the drain pipe.

You may initially notice that your dishwasher starts to drain slower. It is best to clear a blockage as soon as possible, as it may take more work to do so later.

However, if your dishwasher is already completely clogged, following the steps in this guide can help you to clear it.

Lanes Drainage Services UK engineers are experts in unblocking drains and keeping them in good working order.

The following guide will explain how to unblock your dishwasher if it is not draining properly and what steps you should take to keep it clean and functional.

Why do dishwashers become blocked?

The leading causes of dishwasher blockages are large chunks of leftover food lodged in the drain.
Most dishwashers have a filter to catch food debris that is too large to go down the drain. These chunks can cause issues that are more difficult to remedy if they travel further down the pipe.

However, food can pass through this filter and congeal on the other side, forming a blockage.

Additionally, small items of cutlery, such as teaspoons, may dislodge from the racks and fall into the filter, damaging it or causing a blockage themselves.

Like most kitchen appliances that dispense wastewater, your dishwasher probably uses the same waste pipe as your sink.

If your dishwasher and sink drain slowly, the blockage may be in the main drainage pipes beneath the sink.

In this case, you should attempt to clear the blockage through your sink instead, as this is much more accessible than your dishwasher drain.

Unblocking a dishwasher

Signs of blockage include slowly draining or standing water in the bottom of the main compartment or a bad food smell emerging from drains, mainly when you use your dishwasher or other utilities.

If you're still unsure whether you have a blocked dishwasher drain, our articles on signs of a blocked drain and why does my sink gurgle when the washing machine drains go into more detail.

If you do find out that your kitchen drain is blocked, you should attempt to clear the blockage as soon as you can, or you may risk flooding your kitchen.

It is not always difficult to clear a blocked dishwasher, but it can be messy.

Steps to unblocking a dishwasher

  1. You should wear suitable clothes, as they will likely get wet, and clear an appropriate space around your dishwasher for any water leaking.

  2. You should also turn off the dishwasher's power and the water supply, which you should switch off at the mains.

  3. If your dishwasher is full of standing water, you will need to clear it before attempting to unblock the filters. To do this, you should either scoop it out and put it into a bucket or speak to drainage experts. If you remove the water yourself, avoid pouring it into another drain that may become blocked. Instead, remove any chunks of food and throw them in the bin.

  4. Once you are ready to clear your blocked dishwasher, locate the filter first. This will be a plastic or metal cover with small holes fitted over the waste pipe through which the water drains out of the dishwasher after use. This is usually easy to find, but if you cannot locate the filter, pour water into the dishwasher and watch where it drains. Your dishwasher may have multiple drains, so you should repeat the clearing process for all of them if you cannot determine which one has the blockage.

  5. Remove your dishwasher’s filter and clear any trapped items, including food debris, from the filter and the mouth of the pipe. Note how the filter fits onto the pipe to help you replace it later. If your filter has multiple parts, you should clean all these in a sink with hot water and dish soap. Once they are clear and any food has been cleaned from them, reinstall the filters as they were before.

  6. You should then test the dishwasher by first pouring a cup of boiling water into it and observing how it drains. It is best to test with a small amount of water first, even if it seems like the blockage is clear; if your dishwasher drain is still blocked, a complete cycle could lead to flooding. Boiling water can also wash away any food debris inside the pipe. However, it is not a suitable solution to the problem on its own and will be ineffective at clearing blockages.

If the water drains quickly, you can then run a cycle to confirm that your dishwasher is clear. If your dishwasher still does not drain properly, the problem may be further down the drain. You should consider hiring a drain-unblocking expert to help. The team at Lanes Drainage Services UK provides a range of domestic drainage services. With a wealth of experience, we can quickly diagnose and fix the causes of blocked dishwashers or other utilities.

How to maintain your dishwasher

Maintaining your dishwasher is an important way to keep it running smoothly for years to come.

By taking a few simple steps, you can ensure that your dishwasher runs efficiently and reliably and reduce the risk of blockages in the future.

One of the most important things is to check and clean the filters regularly, just as you would to clear a blockage.

Doing this every couple of weeks can help to keep food particles and other debris from clogging the system and affecting its performance.
You should also avoid putting food waste down your drain. Make sure to scrape your plates into the bin as effectively as you can and give them a quick rinse and wipe before putting them in the dishwasher.

It is also important to check for any signs of leaking or malfunctioning parts – such as worn gaskets, loose connections, or cracked hoses – that could be causing water to escape. If you notice any of these issues, have them examined by a drainage expert immediately.

Our guide on how to fix a leaking pipe also explains more about what you can do if you have a leak.

You should also remember to use the correct amount and type of dishwashing detergent for your machine. This will help to ensure that it works effectively and prevent any build-up or corrosion that can occur if you use too much detergent.

Need help unblocking a dishwasher?

At Lanes Drainage Services UK, we specialise in unblocking drains and advising people on maintaining them and avoiding the more serious consequences of blockages.

If your dishwasher regularly becomes blocked or has a blockage that you can not shift, you should speak to us.

Our technicians can identify the source of the problem, clear the blockage, and advise you on how to avoid further problems, helping you get the most out of your kitchen appliances.

Call our 24/7 helpline today on 0808 167 6209. Alternatively, fill out an online enquiry form, and we will return your call at a time that works for you.

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