Cesspit Maintenance

Keeping your cesspit maintained is essential – not just for your own household, but for your local authority too. Improper management and maintenance can lead to both fiscal and legal complications, so keeping your cesspit in check should always top any list of priorities.

Here, you’ll find a guide to maintaining your cesspit – firmly placing you in the good books of any household or local authority.

Emptying your cesspit


Overflowing is a common problem with cesspits and can cause issues regarding cracked walls and punctures which, in turn, may lead to external leaks. Unlike a septic tank, a cesspit has no rudimentary treatment system, meaning that whatever goes in must come out. Under the Public Health Act (1936) and Water Resources Act (1991) your local authority has a duty to ensure your cesspit is in good working order, meaning routine inspections are commonplace throughout England and Wales.

However, thanks to our fully-licensed waste removal service, there’s no need to panic the next time your levels rise. Although both council-funded and private tankers do come at a cost, it certainly beats the potential fine (up to £20,000) you may receive if your cesspit is found to be in violation of the law.

To find out more about our cesspit services, take a look at our website or give us a call on 0808 506 8505.

Maintenance essentials

  • NEVER lift the lid of your cesspit to check levels – there’s an abundance of toxic nastiness in there, so be sure to use a properly fitted and maintained alarm system within your pit.

  • Make room: Cesspits are often located in areas where other sewage solutions just aren’t practical. However, that’s not to say that all households are suitable for cesspit construction. For example, legislation states that cesspits must be located at least 15 metres from any outbuilding and not less than ten metres from any watercourse.

  • Avoid placing heavy objects above manhole covers. In particular, it’s always advisable not to drive over any cesspit covers, especially older brick-built pits.


Use professionals

If you’ve recently bought a building with a cesspit, there’s a strong chance that you’ve already had a wastewater engineer assess the property for any potential issues. However, that’s not to say that these trained professionals are strictly reserved for new buyers. Wastewater engineers offer an invaluable service across the board, helping both cesspit newbies and lifelong patrons alike. If you’d like to talk to one of our engineers, send us a message or give us a call on 0808 506 8505.

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